Fijit Friends

A Fijit Friend is an interactive best friend that chats with you!

This little purple cutie is Fijit Friend Willa.

Fijit Friends also love to dance with any music and they grooves to the beat with their hilariously fidgety body!

Eager to chat and make you laugh, this Fijit Friend Willa features voice recognition, allowing her to identify over 30 voice commands and respond with more than 150 built-in phrases and jokes.

When it's time for bed, wish your Fijit Friend a goodnight. Her belly will glow like a nightlight as she nods to sleep.

Fijit Friends are available in the U.K and the U.S.

This toy is new for 2011 and is sure to be a real big hit!

Fijit Friend Willa is $44.88 in the U.S. & Ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping

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