Benji My Best Friend

I am a little puppy who will never chew your shoes, You'll never have to feed me, or clean up any....

Have you seen Benji My Best Friend?

Benji My Best Friend is by Animagic.

I think this toy is so utterly cute!

A beautiful West Highland Terrier toy puppy dog that is going to be very woofing popular this Christmas.

He comes with a little tugging rope for fun and games too.

Benji My Best Friend is a gorgeous toy that is suitable for children ages 3 years and up.

Benji My Best Friend is an adorable puppy who will really love you back!

You can play tug-o-war with Benji My Best Friend, and he will growl playfully just like a real pup.

He will let you know when he's pleased to see you by wagging his tail and barking happily!

Benji sits up and lies down again when he is tired.
The more you play with Benji My Best Friend the more playful he will become!

Benji really is your best friend and he is just like a real puppy!
Watch him as he waggles his ears and wiggles his eyebrows to tell you what kind of mood he is in!

Tickle Benji My Best Friend under his chin to see him move his head up and down.

When this little puppy is tired, he will lie down and begin snoring gently...ahhhh...isn't that just sweet?

Benji My Best Friend is currenly retailing at £69.99 while stocks last
Order as soon as possible to avoid disappointment


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